First Aid Training:
Theory Session:
🅐 Introduction of First Aid
🅑 Causes of Unconsciousness.
🅒 Choking
🅓 Asthma
🅔 Allergic Reaction (Anaphylaxis)
🅕 Drowning
🅖 Angina / Heart Attack
🅗 Shock
🅘 Epilepsy (Fits)
🅙 Recovery Positions
🅚 Wounds
🅛 Fractures
🅜 Head & Spine Injuries
🅝 Dressing / Bandaging
🅞 Burns
🅟 Frost Bite
🅠 Heat Stroke
🅡 Heat Exhaustion
🅢 Hypothermia
🅣 Animal Bite / Snake Bite
🅤 Chemical exposure / Poisoning
🅥 Transportation of Casualty
Dish Approved, First aid Training
1. Introduction to Factories Act, 1948:
Explanation of the provisions within the Factories Act that pertain to medical facilities, first aid appliances, ambulance rooms, medical examinations, and accident reporting within factories.
2. Introduction to First Aid:
Overview of what first aid is and its importance in providing immediate assistance to injured or ill individuals.
3. Action at Emergency:
Guidelines on how to respond effectively in emergency situations, ensuring safety for both the victim and the responder.
4. The Practice of First Aid:
Practical aspects of administering first aid, including assessing the situation, determining the need for assistance, and providing initial care.
5. Resuscitation:
Techniques for performing resuscitation, particularly focusing on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
6. Disorder of Respiratory System:
Understanding and addressing respiratory issues such as choking and difficulties in breathing.
7. Disorder of Circulation:
Dealing with circulatory problems like shock and fainting.
8. Wound & Bleeding:
How to manage different types of wounds and control bleeding using appropriate methods.
9. Disorders of Consciousness:
Recognizing and providing aid to individuals with altered levels of consciousness, including unconsciousness.
10. Bone, Joint & Muscle Injury:
Treating injuries related to bones, joints, and muscles, such as fractures, sprains, and strains.
11. Burns & Scalds:
Addressing burns and scalds, covering different degrees of burns and their management.
12. Effect of Heat & Cold:
Understanding and responding to heat-related illnesses, cold-related injuries, and hypothermia.
13. Foreign Bodies:
Handling situations where foreign objects are lodged in the body, such as choking.
14. Poisoning:
Recognizing and providing initial assistance in cases of poisoning.
15. Dressing & Bandages:
Techniques for applying dressings and bandages effectively to various types of wounds.
16. Handling & Transport of Injured:
How to safely move and transport injured individuals while minimizing further harm.
17. Emergency First Aid:
Providing immediate assistance and stabilizing victims in emergency situations before professional medical help arrives
Practical Session:
𝟷. Demonstration on Chocking
𝟸. CPR Practical’s on Imported Manikins
𝟹. Recovery positions
𝟺. Support of broken bones on various bandages and other methods.
𝟻. Support of Head and spine
𝟼. Practical’s – How to tie up different types of bandages.
𝟽. Stretcher drill